Thursday, April 21, 2011

BP4 QTR4: Research and Interpretation-Geography

Area:22400000 square kilometres (8600000 sq mi),
Area-comparative:US  3794083 square miles, Russia is more than twice as big.
Land boundries:20,241.5 km
Climate: is huge, so there is no one climate. in the summer, siberia is a hot, in the winter it is bitterly cold; for example.
Natural resource: The Ural mountains are rich in minerals, and Russia exports a lot of natural gas.
Land Use: much of Russia is unusable for anything but mining or fishing, mining the biggest industry. Mostly other.
Envierment issues:  Russia still has some issues with pollution from chernoble, but also. . .\
Dangerous environmental conditions came to the attention of the public in the Soviet Union under the glasnost policy of the regime of Mikhail S. Gorbachev (in office 1985-91), which liberated the exchange of information in the late 1980s. The three situations that gripped public attention were the April 1986 nuclear explosion at the Chernobyl' Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine, the long-term and ongoing desiccation of the Aral Sea between Uzbekistan and Kazakstan, and the irradiation of northern Kazakstan by the Semipalatinsk (present-day Semey) nuclear testing site. The overall cost of rectifying these three disasters is staggering, dwarfing the cost of cleanups elsewhere, such as the superfund campaign to eliminate toxic waste sites in the United States. By the time the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, such conditions had become symbols of that system's disregard for the quality of the environment.
Since 1990 Russian experts have added to the list the following less spectacular but equally threatening environmental crises: the Dnepropetrovsk-Donets and Kuznets coal-mining and metallurgical centers, which have severely polluted air and water and vast areas of decimated landscape; the Urals industrial region, a strip of manufacturing cities that follows the southern Urals from Perm' in the north to Magnitogorsk near the Kazak border (an area with severe air and water pollution as well as radioactive contamination near the city of Kyshtym); the Kola Peninsula in the far northwest, where nonferrous mining and metallurgical operations, centered on the region's nickel reserves, have created air pollution that drifts westward across northern Scandinavia; the Republic of Kalmykia, where faulty agricultural practices have produced soil erosion, desertification, and chemical contamination; and the Moscow area, which suffers from high levels of industrial and vehicular air pollution and improper disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The experts also named five areas of severe water pollution: the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Sea of Azov north of the Black Sea, the Volga River, and Lake Baikal.
Environmental agreements:

Russia-China agreements on environmental protection and natural resources

Agreement on development of Amur transboundary water management scheme
Russia and China agreed to establish a special task force to develop a “Comprehensive water development scheme for transboundary waters of the Argun and Amur Rivers. ”. final scheme has been never provuced due to disagreements. Agreement expired in 2000.
Agreement on Cooperation in Fisheries
Cooperation on research, protection and management of fish stocks, development of aquaculture, and improvement of technology.
Agreement on protection, regulation and breeding of bio-resources in transboundary Amur-Heilong and Ussuri-Wusuli Rivers
Protects 25 fishes, two crustaceans, one turtle, one mollusk, three aquatic plants. Regulates size limits for fish, net mesh sizes and lengths, seasonal fishing bans, closure of waters to fishing, and permitted fishing gear.
Agreement on Dauria International Protected Area
Trilateral agreement was signed by China , Mongolia , and Russia to establish Dauria International Protected Area (DIPA) to protect globally important grasslands in the headwaters of the Amur-Heilong basin.
Russia-China Cooperation in Protection of the Natural Environment
Task Force on Environmental Protection should have met annually.
Agreement on joint measures to combat forest fires
Agreement between forestry agencies, that has never resulted in actual cooperation.
Agreement on Khanka/Xingkai Lake International Nature Reserve
The agreement envisioned a broad range of cooperative activities and established a “Mixed Chinese-Russian Commission on Lake Khanka/Xingkai International Nature Reserve”. Commission is yet to be formed, but active cooperation between nature reserves started from 2003.
Memorandum on Tiger Protection
In 1997 a “Memorandum on Tiger Protection” was signed to prevent poaching, smuggling, and trade in tigers and tiger parts but no work program was implemented.
Agreement on Joint Use and Regeneration of Forest Resources
Was intended to regulate Chinese investment in Russia’s forestry industry. The task force created under this agreement should have overseen cooperation on a variety of issues, such as joint logging ventures, investment in Russia’s forestry sector, processing of wood products, forest regeneration, fire control, and pest control. In 2003-2005 many forest resource processing and export agreements were developed under the broad framework of the 2000 agreement, mostly involving provinces, rather than Russian Federal Authorities.
Agreement on cooperative monitoring of water pollution
Trans-boundary agreement between Yevreiskaya Autonomous Region, Khabarovsk and Heilongjiang Provinces to monitor water pollution in the Amur-Heilong River .
Russia-China Treaty on good neighbor relations, friendship and cooperation
Focuses on cooperative development of the border region with protection and improvement of the natural environment and just and equitable management of transboundary rivers.
Task Force on Water Quality in the Argun River
Agreement on nature protection of Argun river basin
Chitinskaya Province of Russia agreed with Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to address monitoring and protection of water quality. Later evolved into wider agreement including landscape/biodiversity conservation issues.
Action plan for implementation of the Treaty on good neighbor relations, friendship and cooperation for 2005-2008
Includes all priority cooperation issues.
During the 2005 visit by the Russian Minister of Natural Resources to China , joint efforts were proposed to control illegal logging and timber trade (ENA-FLEGT process) under this plan. Development of agreement on transboundary waters also a priority, as well as transboundary nature reserves.
Environmental Sub-commission under the Commission on Regular Meetings of Heads of State
Highest level commission coordinated by MNR in Russia and SEPA in China . Effectively replaced mechanisms set under 1994 environmental agreement. Meets annually.Has three task forces on:
• “green issues” – biodiversity, protected areas, ecosystem conservation, etc.;
• “pollution prevention and cooperation in case of environmental emergencies;”
• “protection of transboundary waters and monitoring of water quality”
Protocol on common approaches to monitoring of transboundary waters
In early 2006 following Songhua spill of 2005 a special protocol on "common approaches to monitoring of transboundary waters" was signed between SEPA and MNR. It calls for the establishment of two working groups for planning and coordinating water quality monitoring in transboundary rivers: Amur-Heilong, Ussuri-Wusuli, Argun and Razdolnaya (Suifen). Coordinates joint monitoring of water quality.
Liaison group on water management issues
Consultation mechanism between MWR of China and Federal Water Resources Agency of Russia. Group formation agreed in principle as a follow-up to Amur water management scheme, but the first meeting held only in August 2007.
Agreement on use and protection of transboundary waters
Proposed by Russia in the 1990s. Actively prepared in 2006-2007. Signed in January 2008.
Natural hazards:  Russia is vunerable to
  • earthquakes
  • extremes of temperature
  • landslides
  • floods
  • wind storms

Thursday, April 14, 2011

BP3 QTR4 General Information

Name: Russia or Russian Federation
Nationality: Russian, falls under "Eastern European"
Languages: Russian, along with over 100 minority languages with no % values for each available.
Flag: no official reasons for the colors, might have been inspired by dutch.
Background: The former soviet union, this now-capitalist country is still sore with the US and not to friendly with China, either.  This country has gone over huge changes (see following article on the Russian revolution for an example) over the last century.  The economy is OK, but copyrights laws could be better, and they remain a large exporter a oil and natural gas.  The Ural mountains contain many valuable resources.  There is a lot of poppy smuggling and they and China disagree on island territories.  They are not as powerful or influential as the US, and have made a lot of enemies, but for now it seems that they are doing fine, aside from 13.6% of the population being under the poverty line.


Follow-up article: A brief Summary of the Russian Revolution and a few events that occurred afterwards.

One hundred years ago, Tsars ruled over all of russia.  They were like kings and popes rolled into one. Then, in 1905, there was unrest. Terrorist attacks, military mutinies, you name it.  They finnally established a constitution in 1906. But the peace did not last. Tweleve years later, the first revolution began.  It was in Febuary, and was centered around what is now St. Petersburg.  In the havoc, the imperial parliment took control, forming the Russian Provisial Goverment.  The army leadeship felt that they could not supress the revoulution, and with Nicholas II abdicated, the RPG came to power.  This also happened during WWI leaving russia in a pretty shabby military condition.  Lots of mutinies.  Then there was a period of Dual power, where the RPG covered the upper classes, while socialists led the lower-class.  This was a chaotic period in which mutinies and strikes were too common for comfort.  This lower-class group, called the Bolshieviks, were against the war, but the RPG wanted to keep fighting.  So the Bolshieviks formed the red guards, which would later be know as the red army.  These militas had substancial control.  In the October revoultion, the Bolshievik party, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the workers' soviets, overthrew the russians in St.petersburg.  The Bolshieviks made themselves leaders of many goverment ministries and siezed control of the countryside.  They also formed Cheka ( Russian secret sevice ) to mantian security.  In the end, they finished WWI by signing the treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the germans in March 1918.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


The UN is a group of nations created after WWII.  They are dedicated to world peace.  Well, that's why they were made.  These are the kind of people that enforce a no-fly zone.

The video said that the UN was created to maintain world peace.  They have military power, along with being the largest international group in the world.  They can enforce no-fly zones and sanctions.  This gives them massive power.

I think that the UN is a vital part of our world.  Finally the world's leader get together and try to solve the problems our race has created.  The UN is so huge that it can destroy almost any terrestrial enemy.  So yes, I think that the UN is important.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

BP1 QTR3 Chrisholm

This blog post will discuss a speech of Chrisholm.  She gave this speech to congress.  I will talk about Qs 1 and 4, noting my opinions and the facts on the matters.  This speech was given in 1969.

As for #1, I think that there is still sexism today.  We will always be biased, and I admit to sometimes being biased myself.  However, I also believe that some women might be sexist to men having jobs like a secretary or a teacher.  And as for #4, I noted that women were considered odd or unruly if they tried to expand.  Another thing I noticed was that they also had less education options.

In conclusion, Chrisholm touched on some very important points in her speech.  Some of them still apply today. Some do not.  But it is mostly is a matter of opinion-as is most things on this topic.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

BP4 QTR3: President's day

I believe that the holiday should be named presidents' day.  It has always been called presidents' day and I don't see why it should be changed now.  Calling it Washington's birthday rules out Lincoln, who is a man worthy of notice.  Finally, calling it Washington's b-day sound extremely informal.

which gives to bigotry no sanction   is a quote from over much-loved president Washington.  I say that he wouldn't mind sharing a holiday with another president.  Especially one that ensured his mission remained true.  But I guess we'll never know.

Pious, just, humane, temperate, and sincere; uniform, dignified  is a quote describing washington.  however, i'm sure that lincoln was also all of these things.  My biggest problem is that we aren't recognizing licoln when we say georgie's birthday.

In conclusion, I think that it is fair that we give both presidents credit on prez's day.  If we called it g.w.'s b-day then it would be disrespectful to lincoln.  So i think that our current name is a happy medium.  But my opinion dosen't really matter now, does it?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bp3 Qtr3 Children's march

Brimingham's nickname was bombingham.  This was because there were 6 bombings that took place there.  There was also frequent violence.

A buffer is a no man's land, or where two groups meet.  It is kind of like a borderline.  None exist in my community (at least as far as i know).

President Keneddy said that the photos "made him sick".  The photos were pictures of the children getting hosed by the firemen.  So that probably is good, that the president wasn't racist.

The youngest child thrown in jail was four years old.  He couldn't even pronounce "freedom."  So, as you can see, kids of all ages went to jail.

It took five men to man the unruly firehoses they were using.  That is how much power each hose packed.  This concludes my blog post.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bp2 Qtr3 Project reflection #2

I think my project is coming along quite nicely.  I have finished the research aspect of it and am currently working on the fun part--making my movie.  This is actually quite easy, just time-consuming.  I find that I work better when I choose my own project maker, aside from being assigned one.  This makes creating a project much easier.  So all these factors have benefited my project.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

BP2 QTR3: project reflection

My final project is probably going to end up as an ongoing goanimate animation. The reason I chose this project is because I like to animate things and I had no other ideas.  So I chose project 3.

The project is coming along a bit messily, because I have no plan.  I also haven't done much research, so I'm a bit in the dark.  I should collect info and dump it in a google doc.

I am getting my information by googleing it.  I copy and paste a question, then search it. After that I paste a link to a reliable source (.gov, ect.) that I found onto my google doc.

I expect to jump right into my project, but it seems to be that I have to know what I'm talking about.  I also did not think that I would receive any zeros before my projects was done.  Both of these happened anyway.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Qtr3 Wk2 T-Shirt Travels

Moving into Africa is not easy.  You must learn skills like how to cook mealy meal, and how to carry water on your head.  And would you wonder if the people knew that the clothes US citizens donated end up on people all over Africa?  Dealers like Luka sell these clothes that YOU might have worn.  Its important to get clothes of good quality, so you can sell them for a high price; even if it means inspecting them.  Many Africans would like to go through school, but for Luka, the work was too tiring.  They call secondhand clothes "salaula."

Many Zambians think Americans are generous, giving them the secondhand clothes.  They also see them as role models, with their huge companies and corporations.  Most Zambians live off of america and other western countries.

What the Zambians would like are a few things we take for granted.
-A chance to see their children to grow up healthy
-To get out of poverty
-To get help, or get nothing.
-And for the world to pay back what it owes Africa.