Thursday, March 3, 2011

BP4 QTR3: President's day

I believe that the holiday should be named presidents' day.  It has always been called presidents' day and I don't see why it should be changed now.  Calling it Washington's birthday rules out Lincoln, who is a man worthy of notice.  Finally, calling it Washington's b-day sound extremely informal.

which gives to bigotry no sanction   is a quote from over much-loved president Washington.  I say that he wouldn't mind sharing a holiday with another president.  Especially one that ensured his mission remained true.  But I guess we'll never know.

Pious, just, humane, temperate, and sincere; uniform, dignified  is a quote describing washington.  however, i'm sure that lincoln was also all of these things.  My biggest problem is that we aren't recognizing licoln when we say georgie's birthday.

In conclusion, I think that it is fair that we give both presidents credit on prez's day.  If we called it g.w.'s b-day then it would be disrespectful to lincoln.  So i think that our current name is a happy medium.  But my opinion dosen't really matter now, does it?

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