Thursday, December 9, 2010

CE q2 w8 Commercial rocket

Do you want to be an astronaut?  If you do, then you'll probably end up working for a company.  That's because a commercial rocket has recently taken a test flight.  The company behind this is called spaceX.  This occured on December 9th.
I do not think that the space tourism industry will do well.  Many people have fears that something might go wrong.  It also costs money that people don't have.  This is a risky investment and a bad idea.  There ought to be better ways of making money.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

current events qtr2 wk8 DREAM act

The DREAM act is a law that congress is considering passing.  It will ensure that kids that have lived in the US almost all thier lives will get to stay and get an education.  There is much debate over this bill.  Some are concerned about illegal aliens taking US degrees.

I think that america is their country to them and they have right to stay here and earn a citizenship. Sending them away would be going away from what our country was founded on. However, with all these overpopulation problems, I can understand wanting to deport them. What people don't understand is that many of these families don't have much anything to go back to.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

russian police deaths rise QTR2 WK3 late work

Russian police deaths are on the rise.  There are more killed every month.  This is alarming because the police force seems to have less and less control.  And also, many will not want to join the force.  That is bad because of the unsettlement we are seeing.
I think that if the russian police force takes to many deaths, less might join. and if less join, it will be harder to maintain control.  and if there is no control, well, then, that is not good. At all.  So it is vital for the police to stay in line.  And for the recruits to keep joining.

Current Events QTR2 Week 6 Russian Prez holds internet confrence. . .

The Russian president (Mr.Medvedev) has held an internet confrence.  However, this dosen't affect much of the population.  About one-thrid of the population has no internet connection.  Most russians were concered about local things, however.  Stuff like street lights, or roads.

I think it is good that the president is holding internet confrences.  It helps him connect with what is on a average citizen's minds.  It also builds sympathy.  Plus, people like to yak at their leader.  I hope that there are more of these in the future.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Qrt2 Wk5 Current events: Dutch Beat

Dutch executive was slightly injured by several baseball-bat weilding people.  His name was Jorrit Ioole Faassen and he is 30 years old.  He was driving down the street sunday when two cars pulled up.  Out hopped several people, holding baseball bats.  They broke his windows, but little damage was done to the executive.

 I think that this story is intresting not because of its actual content, but what it shows about what state Russia is in right now.  You don't see things like this happening in the US all the time.  So why in Russia?  Is the country unstable as france is?  That is a subject that needs to be looked into.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Angry Japenesse want islands from Russia. ( Week 2 Quarter 2 current events )

So the prez of russia takes a tour to the four Kuril islands.  However, this recent tour has angered quite a few Japenesse people.  You see, they were their islands, until WWII where the Soviet Union seized them. Unfortunetly, Japan wants them back, and Russia wants to keep them.  They proposed to give back two of the four islands, but Japan still would like all of them.  Mabye that is because of offshore oil, silver, gold and other resources.
The contested islands.
I think that the original 2-2 proposition was a intelligent idea.  There is the possibility that the Russians wanted to give them the two smaller, less developed, resource-deprived islands.  Besides that, Russian-Japanesse trade is going quite well.  I hope this is resolved in a fair way, it is stopping WWII from officially ending between the Russians and Japenesse.  Although I highly doubt that this will lead to violence.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mavrick, the flying car.

Say you're sitting in traffic and you say, I wish I could just fly over all these people.  Soon you may be able to!  A revolutionary design, the mavrick is a car that not only drives but flies too!  It doesn't look like your avarage car though, (seen below).  This car is a fast ride though, it can go 0-60 in three seconds flat.

I love this new car.  However, I wonder how well the airline companies will like this.  What if there is a midair accident? ouch.  The thought process is good though, and I think that the FAA will figure it out.  Finally!  A flying car! ( took us long enough. )


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Half-anniversery of a gulf oil spill.

10-20-2010 marks the six-month aniversery of the gulf oil spill. Things have changed alot since. We plugged the leak on plan V, but it didn't end then. Even if the donations did. BP is in hot water, and its biz has tanked.
The wildlife is still in trouble, however.

It is great that the leak is plugged. It is sad that the spill is still a problem six months later. It is also unfortunate that ever since the hole was plugged that people haven't been donating as much. The gulf's animals, plants, etc. have still been suffering.  We just need to remember that some wounds don't heal so fast.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WWI decarled over oct. 3, 2010!

That's right, WWI is finally over!  That one lasted about 95 years too.  You see, Germany had to fine to helps rebuild Eroupe.  But because of post-effects of a lost war, the unfair Versalites treaty, Hitler, the Berlin wall, Germany has finally gotten around to paying the debt.  However, now I wonder about WWII. . .

I think it's great that WWI is over.  Although, we all considered it over a looooooonnnnnnggggggg time ago.  Intresting to know that we lived through the great war, though.  I say that this news isn't very relevent to most of us, but a least Germany has less debt.  Will oct. 3, 2010 be an important day in history? probably not, except in mabye history books.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Current Events week 6: Drive-by shooting

Ajmer Hothi was killed four years ago in a drive-by shooting.  Now his killer is to be put on trail.  It is considered a murder trail.  There will be no death penelty though.  He is sentenced to a life in prison.

I think that the jury made a good descision.  How does killing people who kill people teach killing people is wrong?  A life in prison will ensure that he will suffer for his wrongdoing, though.  However, I think mabye that people will override that descision.  The death sentence might be very realalistic.

Monday, September 20, 2010

BP seals gulf well

You know how that leaking oil into the gulf had been disruptive ever since April?  Well, its all over now.  Not really all over, but at least the well is permanently sealed! yes, no more oil leaks into our beautiful gulf, they have it entirely sealed up!  But the cleanups have only begun...

I think that this seal will mark the begging of the end.  This oil spill was the biggest in US history, and I don't think it will be forgotten anytime soon.  But this does take some weight off of some people's shoulders.  Stopping the source was half the battle.  However, we must remember the time and effort that will go into the cleanups.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Building the zero mosque

In new york, large protests are taking place aginst the contruction of a mosque near ground zero.  However, muslims argue, we have the freedom of religon.  This argument has been going on for a few weeks now, but plans to build it date back many months.  Nobody said anything about it then.  Do not get this wrong: the mosque is "near" ground zero.  That is, a few blocks away.  People blame the islams for the 9-11 attack;  But the New York Imam Fesal Abdul Rauf says quote "it should not be christians agianst muslims, it should be christians and muslims working together to eliminate the extremists of both religons." Who do you agree with? Evan's blog of fun wants to know!

I think that this mosque should be built.  These protests show that we are merely prejuiced aginst muslims.  We moved to this country originally so we could quit the standard english church.  So are we going to undermine our whole foundation after we've gone so far, worked so hard?  Now, I know that people will still protest even as I say this, so I personally think that it would be a lot less hassle to built it somewhere else. You just have to put it into perspective.  What if you were the muslim?  What if people hated YOU because of your beliefs?

                                               This is a mosque, a muslim center of worship.

Sould the mosque be built?:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Book on fire?

The Quran is the Islamic book of worship.  So why is a Orlando pastor going to burn it in front of cameras and public?  He's doing it to target terrorists, he says, which is why it'll happen on 9-11.  However, he's been planning this for months and nobody has tried to stop him until now.  All muslims are not all terrorists, but that may change quite soon. Evan's blog of fun wants to hear YOUR opinion on the topic.

I think that the bluntest way to put this is stupid.  Now, if there wasn't so much publicity about it nobody would know or care; but this guy feeds off of it.  There has to be a better way to attack the terrorists via religon.  Why does he have to increase tension?  Most americans and muslims don't get along too well, and the pastor is not helping. What do you think?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Operation new dawn.

Our president had initiated operation new dawn.  this missioin will include training new iraq troops, so iraq can have an independant military.  because of this, many troops are leaving iraq.  if iraq gets a independant military, than we might be able to leave altogether.  but some wonder if this is a good idea.

I think that operation new dawn will be best for this country.  we need to get out of the middle east.  this is a great way to leave. if we have allies in the middle east, then we can leave.  plus, it's putting presure on the terrorists.  indepentant militarys are just what we need.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oil Rig Explosion Picture

                     The BP oil rig explosion causes tons of oil to gush out into the Gulf of Mexico. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Oil Ban Debate

Should offshore oil drilling continue in the gulf of mexico?  Was the BP oil spill a wake-up call? Or should we just make security and safety requirerments higher?  There is a big debate on this topic, and it might even influence law-making.  Evan's Blog of fun wants to hear YOUR point of view!

My article was about the current oil ban debate.  Some people think offshore drilling in US waters should be illegal.  Others say we still need it for economic purposes.  A few think it should be illegal in the gulf of mexico; either that, or they miss fresh seafood.  This argument might even pass a new law or two! 

My point of view is that we should eventually stop this drilling, but not right away.  We do, in fact, rely on this oil.  If we stoped here, then we would just import more from other places.  Besides, if BP goes bankrupt, who'll clean up the mess?  So many complaints, so little doing.  I'm not saying what they're doing is right, though.