Monday, November 15, 2010

Qrt2 Wk5 Current events: Dutch Beat

Dutch executive was slightly injured by several baseball-bat weilding people.  His name was Jorrit Ioole Faassen and he is 30 years old.  He was driving down the street sunday when two cars pulled up.  Out hopped several people, holding baseball bats.  They broke his windows, but little damage was done to the executive.

 I think that this story is intresting not because of its actual content, but what it shows about what state Russia is in right now.  You don't see things like this happening in the US all the time.  So why in Russia?  Is the country unstable as france is?  That is a subject that needs to be looked into.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job!!! Why do you think they did this to him???

