Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Half-anniversery of a gulf oil spill.

10-20-2010 marks the six-month aniversery of the gulf oil spill. Things have changed alot since. We plugged the leak on plan V, but it didn't end then. Even if the donations did. BP is in hot water, and its biz has tanked.
The wildlife is still in trouble, however.

It is great that the leak is plugged. It is sad that the spill is still a problem six months later. It is also unfortunate that ever since the hole was plugged that people haven't been donating as much. The gulf's animals, plants, etc. have still been suffering.  We just need to remember that some wounds don't heal so fast.

1 comment:

  1. Please make sure to title your posts correctly and to include both a link to the original article and an image.
