Tuesday, November 23, 2010

russian police deaths rise QTR2 WK3 late work

Russian police deaths are on the rise.  There are more killed every month.  This is alarming because the police force seems to have less and less control.  And also, many will not want to join the force.  That is bad because of the unsettlement we are seeing.
I think that if the russian police force takes to many deaths, less might join. and if less join, it will be harder to maintain control.  and if there is no control, well, then, that is not good. At all.  So it is vital for the police to stay in line.  And for the recruits to keep joining.

Current Events QTR2 Week 6 Russian Prez holds internet confrence. . .

The Russian president (Mr.Medvedev) has held an internet confrence.  However, this dosen't affect much of the population.  About one-thrid of the population has no internet connection.  Most russians were concered about local things, however.  Stuff like street lights, or roads.

I think it is good that the president is holding internet confrences.  It helps him connect with what is on a average citizen's minds.  It also builds sympathy.  Plus, people like to yak at their leader.  I hope that there are more of these in the future.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Qrt2 Wk5 Current events: Dutch Beat

Dutch executive was slightly injured by several baseball-bat weilding people.  His name was Jorrit Ioole Faassen and he is 30 years old.  He was driving down the street sunday when two cars pulled up.  Out hopped several people, holding baseball bats.  They broke his windows, but little damage was done to the executive.

 I think that this story is intresting not because of its actual content, but what it shows about what state Russia is in right now.  You don't see things like this happening in the US all the time.  So why in Russia?  Is the country unstable as france is?  That is a subject that needs to be looked into.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Angry Japenesse want islands from Russia. ( Week 2 Quarter 2 current events )

So the prez of russia takes a tour to the four Kuril islands.  However, this recent tour has angered quite a few Japenesse people.  You see, they were their islands, until WWII where the Soviet Union seized them. Unfortunetly, Japan wants them back, and Russia wants to keep them.  They proposed to give back two of the four islands, but Japan still would like all of them.  Mabye that is because of offshore oil, silver, gold and other resources.
The contested islands.
I think that the original 2-2 proposition was a intelligent idea.  There is the possibility that the Russians wanted to give them the two smaller, less developed, resource-deprived islands.  Besides that, Russian-Japanesse trade is going quite well.  I hope this is resolved in a fair way, it is stopping WWII from officially ending between the Russians and Japenesse.  Although I highly doubt that this will lead to violence.